hello! I’m Aliya, a graphic designer and creative strategist based in Brooklyn, NY.

I design high-engagement, branded graphics for both digital and print. I specialize in working with creative brands, artists and e-commerce (8+ years).

Creating and maintaining brand cohesion through visual narrative is a strong throughline of my design career. 

Outside of design, I am a musician and interdisciplinary artist.

expertise & skills

︎ Adobe graphics suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom)
︎ Adobe video & animation (Premiere Pro, After Effects)
︎ Audio editing (Ableton, Adobe Audition, podcasts)
︎ Web design and management (including HTML, CSS)
︎ E-commerce (Shopify, Amazon Marketplace)
︎ Social media (branded graphics)
︎ Copywriting
︎ Packaging and print
︎ Managing creative freelancers

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© Aliya Jamil, 2023. All Rights Reserved.

ALIYA JAMIL ︎ graphic design & branding